Friday, September 22, 2006

Blogger and Google



. I have seen alot of talk about people having trouble getting blogger blogs indexed in google... seo . while google blogsearch picks em up like crazy(actually that is my theory). I have noticed blogger blogs being indexed then popping in while avoiding the main index. I'm not doom saying but I thought I might stir up your seo head about the blog mess y seo blog. seo I mean. Could it be that B&P has taken a toll on blogger... or even worse.... BLOGS! Holy shit. seo Link farms link farms. seo Lets go comment spam about it.

EDIT: Not three seconds later and this post is indexed in google blogsearch. Lets try something. seo is the best search engine optimization technique. seo

EDIT: Okay I spammed the shit out of this post and I want to see what happens..... Im probably just really drunk, thinking I'm smart and shit.

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