Monday, October 23, 2006

URL Problems.... That's not whats wrong.

I am fuckin sick of clients telling me that session ids and url issues( I'm saying issues rather than canonization because I'm drunk and dont want to look it up... disregard the lack of punctioization too) are not causing problems with their SERPS. I currently have another client who I have been arguing with for 8 months due to sessions and other meta issues that have caused not only 2k pages to be placed in the supplemental results but to have the pages that are not become ommited results. It's always great to have a supp. issue along with a dupe content flag flying. Wow. I'm glad they are here to tell me whats not wrong... I am still pushing the issue and it WILL get resolved but I still need to bitch about it sometimes.....

Dupe issue is due to the massive amount of header code and duplicate titles/meta tags with a giant nav system.....not to mention a crazy ass 1k+ hits on the same "dynamic page" daily from every engine due to some crazy ass sess ids and other issues.... but shit....

ALthough.... Like he said there is no problem with the duplicate issue or the session ids.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I love linkbait

Honestly not much needs to be said if you know what I'm talking about. If you don't....

This was created to be an SEO monster and it will probably take off due to the fact he took the time to go all out. Last month I created 3 glossaries for clients and they have performed how I wanted them to.

The reason I haven't spell checked this post is that I live above a nightclub and there are way to many beautiful women outside... besides.... my wife is asleep. I can't function correectly when shes not with me.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Internet Web Hosting Sucks

They are by far the worst hosting company. They make it impossible cancel and account, and if you don’t do it correctly they will keep billing you. Think you’ll be ok when your credit card expires don’t worry they will keep billing you and eventually refer you to collections. When you call to speak to a supervisor and tell them to cancel an account you aren’t using anymore and is in collections, they still won’t cancel it. They will however keep sending you an email to an address that no longer is in existence and refer you to their online web form.

1 & 1 Web Hosting Sucks
1 & 1 Hosting provider sucks
1 & 1 Hosting Sucks
1&1 Internet Web Hosting Sucks
1& sucks
1&1 Control Panel Sucks
1&1 Internet Inc FAQ SUCKS
1&1 Hosting Reviews
Reviews of 1&1

1and1 Web Hosting Sucks
1and1 Hosting provider sucks
1and1 Hosting Sucks
1and1 Internet Web Hosting Sucks sucks
1and1 Control Panel Sucks
1and1 Internet Inc FAQ SUCKS
Reviews of 1and1
1and1 Hosting Reviews sucks

If you have a scraper please feel free to reproduce this post in it’s entirety and if you need help building one so you can republish this post let me know I’ll help in any way I can.

New MSN Search Operator : LinkFromDomain

MSN has offered up a pretty cool new search operator for those into deep site research. LinkFromDomain: will return data on a sites outbound linkage, which is something I typically include on competitive reports for clients since its always fun to sneak some of your competitions link juice.

On to the fun stuff.

This new operator can be combined with a site: operator to help you hunt down your competitor’s wikipedia links and play wiki samurai for the day. For example, you could use to get a list of msn index wiki links and view the titles of your competitors pages. Armed with this information you can hunt out those categories and eradicate your competitors wiki links. On the other hand you could play the sneaky roll of keyboard ninja and use to keep of your precious hord of wiki links and make sure that those pesky wiki samurais are not burning them down. If they are, make sure you head right on over to wikipedia and revise the incorrect wiki article.

I can think of a few other fun uses for this operator but its more fun to discover them yourself. So put on your ninja armor, pick up your new weapon and head on out to do some serious pirate killing.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wikipedia Spam Spamming

One of the nice things about spamming is that it brings in some nice traffic in itself. While the links help you with the trust game, the traffic is definetly a nice added bonus. Especially when its targeted (When the links stick on nice pr pages it usually is).

who rain on my spam parade like its the thing to do. I find it even funnier that they are spamming the shit out of wiki themselves with affiliate links while they preach all high and might.

I mean. I found 4 editable pages on 3 .edu websites about 3 months ago and was the only person spamming it for 2 of those months but do you think I deleted the links that showed up later? No. I sent an email asking for them to not go to overboard with their spamage and they replied. I guess I'm just a drunk romantic right now so I'll stop ranting after this last sentance. If you spam stop fucking with non-competition.

Wiki and Yahoo Bookmarks

Well. Now that Eli is talking about Wiki I thought I would follow his bad ass footsteps and do some chating of my own.

One of my favorite things of the day is MyYahoo! bookmarks. They are perfect for getting your "trusted" links(or your pages for that matter) indexed quickly. And by quick I mean within 24 hours. Last month I finally took front page in all 3 engines for a term that was floating between 40-60 across the 3 for the last four months. It happend literally overnight for Yahoo and I credit it to wiki and yahoo bookmarks. Remember. The page was optimized for the term and had some link popularity that was coninually growing, but the wiki links(15 of them) were recognized within a day (again due to yahoo bookmarks) and helped kick the dirty little bitch of a site into gear for a #2 ranking in a competitive landscape of 65mil+.

Google followed second due to a similar indexing technique with MSN comming in at third (they indexed only half of the links).

Excuse any and all writing mistkes since I have consumed my fair share (over a 3rd) of a 5th of rum.