Monday, October 23, 2006

URL Problems.... That's not whats wrong.

I am fuckin sick of clients telling me that session ids and url issues( I'm saying issues rather than canonization because I'm drunk and dont want to look it up... disregard the lack of punctioization too) are not causing problems with their SERPS. I currently have another client who I have been arguing with for 8 months due to sessions and other meta issues that have caused not only 2k pages to be placed in the supplemental results but to have the pages that are not become ommited results. It's always great to have a supp. issue along with a dupe content flag flying. Wow. I'm glad they are here to tell me whats not wrong... I am still pushing the issue and it WILL get resolved but I still need to bitch about it sometimes.....

Dupe issue is due to the massive amount of header code and duplicate titles/meta tags with a giant nav system.....not to mention a crazy ass 1k+ hits on the same "dynamic page" daily from every engine due to some crazy ass sess ids and other issues.... but shit....

ALthough.... Like he said there is no problem with the duplicate issue or the session ids.

1 comment:

seostomp said...

Thanks Scott. I have to rant to someone besides my wife so she won't leave me for the maid.