Saturday, January 13, 2007

Defensible Traffic

"[QUOTE]I hate the buzzword "Defensible Traffic" but I thought I would play up to the bitches in my industry and mention it. Defensible Traffic. I mean. Oh mi god! on't get me wrong but honestly. It's like, totally not cool!

define:"defensible traffic" defensible traffic is traffic that does not depend on the SE's oaky. We all have it. We should get more of if it (and out of it). I can't wait till the next fuckin technology that comes along and is an "RSS Killer" because shit then " Defensible Traffic " will be out of date and I probably haven't bitched about it for quite a few years[/QUOTE]"

Go search defensible traffic. If you havent heard of Defensible Traffic then you probably should quite your day job and start smoking heroin.

Kids. A fifth of rum before my wifes dumb diaper party is a bad idea.... Honestly though. I wonder why she keeps me.

Isn't it funny how I pretend I have readers at my blog?

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